This week was super awesome! The weather here in Poland was starting to warm up! And I got to pull out my short sleeve shirts the other day! That was so nice! Except my arms are bout as white as my shirt. haha but everything is going so good! Im just learning a ton!!!!
Somethin I learned this week was just getting better at teaching by the spirit! I feel like its something that all missionaries have been trying to master. And when learning another language it is really hard. With polish i've kinda just been learning a ton of these different phrases that are almost like power statements that I can say to people. And slowly these phrases I can like change into different sentences. And maybe kinda teach some doctrine or the Restoration or something.
But the other day we were contacting in a park and I approached this Dad on a bench that was on his lap top. I said "Hello sir! Me and My friend are talking to people about happiness, what brings you happiness?" He like looked at me for a second and then shut his lap top and scooted over and asked me to sit next to him. haha he was super nice open to me. As we talked it was really cool cause he asked me questions about what we believe and I could feel the spirit testify through me as I told him about the happiness that the gospel has brought my family. It was cool cause i really didnt just sit and teach him about what we believe in. But we had a really spiritual conversation. And after I realized that I had taught the Plan of Salvation to him. At the end I invited him to reading the Book of Mormon and to find out if your message was true. Unfortunately he said no. Cause he reallly didn't have time to read. So he didnt want to take my Book when I could give it to someone else. It was an awesome moment in my mission cause i really just forgot about everything that I wanted to teach him and kinda just talked to him. And I know he felt the spirit.
It's really unfortunate that people don't except the gospel, especially when you know that they felt something different as you spoke with them! But i heard the average times of hearing the gospel before excepting it is 7. And i've had alot of those moments talking to people and when they leave, I can feel that next time they see missionaries or something of our church. They will remember that conveersation that we had, and more importantly what they felt! But im lovin it out here! The work just gettings more and more exciting! And the Lord continues to bless me everyday!
I miss and love you all! Remember the weekly and daily basics!
Wytrwaj do końca! Endure to the End!
_Elder Fotu
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